Back To Balance: Tips for Maintaining a Healthy 80/20 Lifestyle

Weekends with friends, filled with laughter, indulgent food, and a few extra beverages, are some of the best moments in life. However, after the fun, you might find it challenging to return to your healthy habits. The key to maintaining a balanced lifestyle is understanding that it’s okay to indulge occasionally. Life is all about balance, and being too rigid with your habits can increase stress and negatively affect your health. Here's how to get back on track without being too hard on yourself.

Embracing the 80/20 Lifestyle

The 80/20 lifestyle suggests that if 80% of your habits are healthy, the other 20% can be reserved for indulgence and relaxation. This approach allows you to enjoy moments that bring you happiness without feeling guilty. By understanding the value of the 80%, you give yourself permission to indulge in the 20% guilt-free. This balance helps reduce cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which can rise when we pressure ourselves to be perfect.

Tips for Getting Back into Your Routine

  1. Start Fresh & Slow on Monday Morning

    • Begin your week with a nutritious breakfast. Think of it as hitting the reset button.

    • Drink plenty of water to rehydrate and flush out any toxins from the weekend.

    • Try to get some morning steps and sun to balance your circadian rhythm – this will help give you an energy boost for the day and restful night sleep later.

  2. Plan Your Meals

    • Prepare balanced home-cooked meals during week. Focus on whole foods by including plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

    • Avoid restrictive diets. Instead, focus on wholesome, nourishing foods that make you feel good. Don’t ‘punish’ yourself for the past weekend, just carry on with your routine as usual.

  3. Gentle Exercise

    • Ease back into your exercise routine with low-impact activities like yoga, walking, or light cardio.

    • Listen to your body. If you’re feeling tired, opt for a gentler workout or even a rest day. Giving yourself a rest day if you need it can be more beneficial for your body than forcing a workout. Forcing a workout when you actually need rest can spike your cortisol and make you hang onto the stomach weight you might be trying to “work off”.

  4. Prioritize Sleep

    • Ensure you get enough sleep to help your body recover and rejuvenate. Sleep is the #1 thing we can do to prioritize our health.

    • Establish a calming bedtime routine to help you wind down and get quality rest.

  5. Mindful Eating

    • Practice mindful eating by paying attention to your hunger and fullness cues.

    • Slow down and enjoy your meals without distractions. Put the screens down and focus on the bites you are taking and intentionally chewing your food several times to savor it.

  6. Stay Positive and Forgiving

    • Don’t dwell on the indulgences. Instead, focus on how you can nurture your body moving forward.

    • Remember that one weekend doesn’t define your overall health. Coming back to your habits is the strongest thing we can do to take control of our health. Remember, consistency is key to creating the life we want. So forgive the 20% because we have our 80% to bring us back to balance.

  7. Reflect and Set Intentions

    • Take a few moments to reflect on the weekend. What did you enjoy? How did it make you feel?

    • Set positive intentions for the week ahead. Write down a few goals you’d like to achieve. Make them manageable, and you feel that much more in control when you can check it off your list.

The Importance of Rest

Listening to your body is crucial. If you feel tired after a fun weekend, it’s okay to rest. Rest is a vital part of the 80%. It allows your body and mind to recover, preventing burnout and maintaining your overall well-being. By giving yourself permission to rest, you honor your body’s needs and set a foundation for a healthier lifestyle.

Life is too short to stress over being perfect. By embracing an 80/20 lifestyle, you allow yourself to enjoy the moments that make you happy while maintaining healthy habits. The key is balance and understanding that occasional indulgences are part of a well-rounded, joyful life. As you return to your routine, do so with kindness and compassion for yourself. After all, a balanced life is a happy and healthy life.  



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